Washington families,

We are excited to see all of our wonderful students return from Spring Break on Monday, April 8.

We know that the historic solar eclipse might be something you wish to experience with your child. With that being the case, any family who wishes to keep their student home may do so with an excused absence, providing that you call in to report the absence to the school like normal.

Since safety is going to be our number one priority for this historic event, we will not be having any outdoor recess in the afternoon.

All students will be able to see the NASA televised version of the eclipse that will be broadcast in classrooms from the beginning of coverage until dismissal. Any classrooms that decide to go outside to view the eclipse will be accompanied by another adult to assist in helping maintain safety measures. Classes who choose to view the eclipse outside will do so in a 3-5 minute window before returning to their classroom.

For our dismissal time, teachers may have our students stand facing away from the eclipse, or have some remain inside until parents come up to the door to get them. This will depend on each teachers comfort level and be influenced by what area of the building release is happening.   Each student will have their eclipse glasses in hand so that parents may view the eclipse with their child if they so choose.  

If you have any questions or concerns please address these to our building principal Cheryl Cook, (ccook@mariettacsdoh.org) not your students teacher.

Thank you!