Marietta City Schools is committed to the health and safety of students and staff.

"There would not have been students back in school after Winter Break, had it not been safe. The district is doing everything it needs to do."

Kelly Miller, REHS  

   Director of Environmental Health Marietta-Belpre Health Department

According to the U.S. EPA, controlling mold and moister is an interdisciplinary endeavor that involves not only our staff and the environmental groups we work with to maintain health and safety, but also that of health officials' oversight from our partnering agencies.

"The district is doing everything it needs to do," shares Kelly Miller, Director of Environmental Health for the Marietta-Belpre Health Department.

We have not received any indication to date that increased personal protection (face masks, PPE, school closure) is necessary as we continue to maintain indoor humidity levels between the recommended range of 30 percent to 60 percent as identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and continue to run the HEPA air filtration recommended during this mitigation process.